Cargo transportation


Responsible freight forwarding is important for the success of any business, so we make sure this task is handled by long-term professionals in the field, and demand only the highest quality standards for technical equipment. We carry out cargo transportation, organize partial transportation, transport small cargo both in standard trucks and refrigerators. We also carry out international shipments. We transport cargo 7 times a week.


transportation in
the Baltic States

Cargo transportation on a daily basis

We adapt 100% to the customer’s needs

On average, we make 91,107 deliveries per month

we deliver the goods within 24 hours of receiving the order


Partial loads

We can transport cargo weighing less than 3 tons

We deliver to the recipient’s door or to the intended terminal

We perform more than 250 partial shipments every da

Partial loads are transported both in the Untied States and in Europe


of small cargo

Small cargo transportation is carried out in all the Baltic States and other European countries

We perform up to 600 shipments per week

We use the most advanced IT systems for cargo administration


transportation by

We transport food and other cargo that requires constant temperature control

We maintain the required temperature for production from –18°C to +22°C

Cargo transportation by refrigerators is available in all the United States, Australia  and in other European counties